Morris-Lecar Simulator

Two methods for running the Morris-Lecar Simulator

Option 1 (easiest): I have hosted the app on my page. You can access the app on any device and any OS 
without having R or RStudio installed. The drawback to this option is that it is much slower than running it locally,
there is no customization in the program beyond what I have provided, and it can only run for 25 hours a month across
all users. Thus, I strongly recommend option 2.
Option 2 (requires RStudio): The app can run on any computer that has R and RStudio installed. Please note that I 
wrote the app on R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) and beta version 0.1 was released on February 17th, 2022. To run the
app, please copy and paste the code below into an R script and run all lines simultaneously. You also may need to
install some dependencies. Please contact me if the link is broken and I will update it (and give you metaphorical
bonus points for finding the error). Enjoy! :) NOTE FROM THE FUTURE (2023): I still need to fix this so it runs
well. I will totally get back to this!
# Create a vector of packages that you want to check for and install
required_packages <- c("shiny", "shinythemes", "DT")

# Function to check and install packages
check_and_install_packages <- function(packages) {
  for(pkg in packages){
    if (!require(pkg, character.only = TRUE)) {
      library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)

# Use the function to check for and install any necessary packages

# Then run your URL